It was a pre-Christmas workplace celebration when Kelly came in with his co-workers to try the Five Star Five Pound Show Me What You Got Throwdown Challenge (the name is as over the top as the challenge, don’t you think?)
There’s Kelly on the left, watching as Geriden cuts and weighs the brisket.
This was a well-documented challenge. Smartphones everywhere.
Signing the waiver… perfect shirt choice!
One last shot of the food before the challenge begins… dollar bill included for scale.
How are you feeling, Kelly?
He downed the first 2.5 pound plate in record time~ 17 minutes! The lunch service got very busy after that so we missed getting pictures of the rest of the challenge. We’re sorry to report that halfway through the second plate the meat conquered Kelly. We didn’t see it, but we heard it wasn’t pretty :)
It was a noble effort, though! Thanks for giving it a shot!
Wow, y'all must make a mean brisket!!! God bless you. Merry Christmas!!!